A uniquely fun and interactive collection of activities that naturally inspire connection through movement at parties, festivals and other events where music plays and participants have space to twirl, toss, juggle, and fly mostly handcrafted props. Activities can include hula hoops (adult and child sized), flower sticks, juggling scarves, flow ribbons, bubbles, music shakers and paper kites. Granny Sparkle will help you get started with all props and guide you to resources to learn more.
The environment joyfully energizes focus in a way that encourages full involvement while offering opportunities for connection without the need for words, even though that often happens when people are having fun together. The activities are challenging, but achievable for everyone. Gathered wherever there is space for movement, at festivals, parties and other events; we learn to cooperate with the principle of rotational force and 'ease into' the successful twirl, perfect bubble, etc. We also learn to respect shared space and props so that everyone gets a turn and props are used in a certain area.
The Twirling Arcade began in 2012 after our super friendly beagle, Louie, learned to jump through the hula hoops we started learning to use and make that year. We wanted to bring him and our props to Art All Night, Trenton, and Louie was getting popular at a nursing home where he led a group of local musicians through the halls while doing hoop tricks for friends we visited there. Before he passed a therapy dog test in 2013, we got liability insurance through the World Clown Association that covered his trick performances and play with our props. Louie retired in 2017, but we have renewed the WCA Insurance policy almost every year since 2012.
Sue Bertomeu Albert (aka Granny Sparkle) has presented choice-based learning and therapeutic play environments at school, library and community events since she began The Learning Arcade more than 30 years ago. She has devoted over 35 years to a job as a Bibliographic Specialist at Princeton University Library and to using the library as a resource for a 'life long learning' project that tests a theory of behavior transformation and connection through certain types of play and movement.
Contact Sue by phone 609-577-7053 or email twirlingarcade@gmail.com
Debbie Bertomeu (aka Aunt Debbie) is a talented artist and toymaker who has benefitted physically and psychologically by learning, demonstrating and crafting most of the props offered by The Twirling Arcade over the years. Debbie has been Sue's biggest inspiration to experiment with activities that transform behavior through 'empowering' play and if her wrists worked better she'd be out demonstrating a lot of the props she is still able to make in limited quantities.
Contact Debbie by phone 910-622-0977 or email twirlingarcade@gmail.com
Contact Debbie by phone 910-622-0977 or email twirlingarcade@gmail.com